
Hello, My Name is Ujjwal Kumar Sen

I have started my earning money online journey in 2009. Since then I have done lot of hard work because I did not have any mentor in this field.

But, I managed to become a professional Digital Marketer.

So, through this blog I am helping all newbies those wanted to earn money online in India.

In this blog, I will share text and video content for better understanding of Digital Marketing.

My Mission- I wanted to make 1000 people every year to live Laptop Lifestyle.

So, Far My Small Achievements-

Interesting Real Story:-

  • The Journey of making money online started in 2009 with a hope to earn 500 RS per month.
  • Started blogging in 2010
  • So far created more than 50 blogs
  • Started affiliate marketing in 2013
  • Created YouTube channel, which is having over 250,000 Subscribers
  • So far created more than 1500 videos
  • So far written more than 2000 articles, total articles by my lovely team- 5,000

Here is the outcome of all these under title My Journey from ZERO to 1 Crore Online.

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